A few weeks ago I posted a video on Facebook about class scheduling. The video is at the bottom of the post if you’d like to watch it. I made the video because I was getting calls and emails at the end of August from organizations wanting to book a class before the end of the month. Due to a cancellation I was able to schedule one of them, but the remainder were scheduled in September or not scheduled at all. It’s not because I didn’t want to train them, its because my calendar was full. On my end it’s both a good and bad problem to have.
While I do have a referral network of instructors and am happy to pass along a name, I think most people call me because I’ve trained them before and they’d like me to come back. And I would love to come back if I can. I schedule classes up to 2-4 months in advance. Sometimes I can accommodate a last minute request to do a class within a week or two, but that is not always the case.
When planning your training needs for your organization please contact me sooner rather than later. Or contact your regular instructor sooner rather than later. Our schedule is more flexible when you reach out a month or two ahead of time and you’ll get your pick of dates and times.
When scheduling I’ll give you your pick of dates/times I have open. Keep in mind that the dates and times I am available are not limited to just you. I’m offering those same time spots to other organizations that inquire as well. If you take a week or more to reply back the date you wanted may already have been scheduled for another organization.
If you are scheduling to do a skills session for blended learning you should plan to schedule at least a month ahead of time. That allows time to submit the course deposit, for us to issue the online links, and time for everyone to complete the online portion before the skills session.
If you have questions on how to schedule a class please comment or email us! Happy to answers your questions.