On February 3rd 2022 several AED models lost their FDA approval. Is your AED on this list? Non FDA Approved AED’s Cardiac Science 9200 Physio-Control Lifepak 12 Heartsine 300P Physio-Control Lifepak 20 Philips FR2/FR2+ Physio-Control Lifepak 500 Philips Forerunner Welch
Review, Refocus, Reset: Ready to Boss Up Conference
We’re adding American Red Cross courses to our class schedule
ACLS is coming to Hampton, NH!
What is your Why?
When to schedule your on-site class
A few weeks ago I posted a video on Facebook about class scheduling. The video is at the bottom of the post if you’d like to watch it. I made the video because I was getting calls and emails at
Stuff CPR Instructors should have
In order to teach BLS, CPR AED, First Aid, and pretty much any type of safety or emergency response course, an instructor must have the supplies and equipment to do so. This is post is about all that stuff. I
How to become a CPR Instructor
So you’re thinking about becoming a CPR instructor … here’s the steps and some questions to ask yourself before taking an instructor course. First, here are the 4 official steps to becoming an AHA instructor: After being accepted by an