When the Guidelines 2015 materials were released the American Heart Association added an optional activity at the beginning of the course. I don’t have a 2015 book handy to quote it exactly, but it was something like “What is your
What is your Why?

When the Guidelines 2015 materials were released the American Heart Association added an optional activity at the beginning of the course. I don’t have a 2015 book handy to quote it exactly, but it was something like “What is your
If you looked at my calendar you’ll notice I’m not in class teaching every day. Those days are spent with my family, supporting my kids with remote learning (I could say I’m the unpaid substitute teacher, but I do feel
I got so good about blogging, and then I just got really busy. This is a post about scheduling courses as well as blogging. May has become my busiest month of the year with a lot of on-site classes as
When my kids were little I planned things in advance. Now that they’re older I’ve become more of a procrastinator. Trick or treat is in a few days and we still need to decorate our house and buy candy. The
One of the reasons I began my own business and create my own schedule is because I have kids. I like to be involved in what they do. My husband works 24 hour shifts so my schedule is all over
I have a reduced schedule for the summer. It gets hot, people go on vacation, and usually I don’t see a lot of people signing up for courses. I like to spend time with my family while my kids are
All courses scheduled through the end of June have been posted! If you need certification for a summer job please register early. I offer fewer courses over the summer as I work part-time at a summer camp and I like
I am chaperoning a school trip to the White Mountains as part of the AMC’s A Mountain Classroom program. Since we’ll be staying in an AMC Lodge to learn about nature and conservation, I’m thinking we might not have wifi.
Class schedules for October and November are now posted! You can find them here. Thanks for your patience while I got caught up on scheduling. Thank you also to the kind folks who read one of my blogs and offered
Earlier this summer I posted that I would have a reduced class schedule this past summer. I usually cut back a bit to spend time with my family over the summer. I reduced it even further because I was driving