One of the reasons I began my own business and create my own schedule is because I have kids. I like to be involved in what they do. My husband works 24 hour shifts so my schedule is all over the place at times, because one of us needs to watch or shuttle our kids to they myriad activities. I try to not schedule myself to teach outside of school hours when he is working.
The other day my husband’s work shift was changed. His new schedule takes effect next week. His shift changes means the days he is working will change, and of course there are conflicts with the September class schedule. One of us needs to be able to meet the school bus, or pick up a child from their activities.
I will be moving some classes to a new date. If anyone is registered for that class they will receive an email with one or two date choices for rescheduling. If anyone can’t reschedule and has pre-paid for a course I will refund them.
I apologize for the inconvenience, but one of my kids is not old enough yet to come home to an empty house.