With the release of the 2015 Guidelines, the American Heart Association announced that it would be moving away from publishing guideline updates every 5 years. Instead they would be moving to continuous evidence review and releasing focused updates as the
BLS courses & book charges
I previously wrote about the pricing changes the AHA made this past week for Heartsaver courses. The trickle down effect has had me looking a lot more closely at what I provide and charge at all my classes. One of
Supply costs and courses
The other day the American Heart Association (AHA) made some dramatic changes to the costs of the materials that I use in my courses, and the changes went into effect immediately. This might change how much I charge for courses
Are you prepared for SCA at work?
This past June the American Heart Association published 2 studies, and the results were sobering. Most employees would not know how to handle a cardiac arrest emergency because they do not have access to CPR and First Aid training at
Spring 2017 schedule posted
All courses scheduled through the end of June have been posted! If you need certification for a summer job please register early. I offer fewer courses over the summer as I work part-time at a summer camp and I like
Winter weather announcements 2016-2017
It’s that time of the year when it snows and we have cold weather. Snow and ice create slippery and dangerous road conditions, and can impact the class schedule. My weather policy is posted here: https://coastalcpr.com/rescheduling-classes-due-to-weather/. Basically, if school is
The rising cost of Naloxone
Opioid associated overdoses have risen so dramatically that covering what to do is now covered in every CPR AED course. Bystanders should begin CPR immediately and then call for help, and then administer naloxone if it is available. But like
I teach ASHI courses, but I am not ASHI.
Over the past few weeks I’ve been receiving a lot of phone calls from people looking for the American Safety and Health Institute. While I teach courses through their program, I am not the organization itself. I’m just an entrepreneurial
February class schedule is posted!
Open enrollment courses for January and February are now posted. March courses will be posted soon!
Scene safety
The first step in any emergency, whether it’s a need for First Aid or CPR, is to check to make sure the scene is safe. When thinking of safety most of us think of the super obvious things; if someone