Over the past few weeks I’ve been receiving a lot of phone calls from people looking for the American Safety and Health Institute. While I teach courses through their program, I am not the organization itself. I’m just an entrepreneurial instructor.

It’s similar to my relationship with the American Heart Association. I am an AHA Instructor, but I am not the American Heart Association itself.

Apparently several years ago when I set up my website my SEO was so good that I show up in search engines above ASHI when people are searching for ASHI. Good for business I guess, but sometimes too good when I receive calls from people who are not near to me.

So you may be wondering, why am I writing a post about this?

I’m not ASHI, and I don’t have their phone number or mailing address memorized. Some of the people who called me seemed pretty put out that I could not connect them or recite the number to them. I did provide them with the correct website to find their number, but that did not seem to make these folks happy. A few caller were super polite and nice, and a few were not. This makes me a little sad.

If you dialed a wrong number would you expect the person you called by mistake to know the number that you wanted?

If you want to call the American Heart Association look up their number on their website, http://www.heart.org.

If you want to call the American Safety & Health Institute look up their number on their website, http://www.hsi.com. I do not know why their website is not ashi.com or similar. HSI is the parent company, Health & Safety Institute, who owns the ASHI brand of courses. That’s the best info I have to share.

So please do not be offended, angry or grumpy if I can’t recite someone’s phone number for you. If you want to register for one of my courses, or need help replacing your card from a course you took from me I’m happy to help.

I teach ASHI courses, but I am not ASHI.

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