*update below….
Earlier this month I received a really vile sexually explicit letter in the mail. The return address was the American Safety and Health Institute in Oregon, but the letter was postmarked from New York.
ASHI did not send me that letter.
It’s part of an ongoing obscene chain letter. ASHI wrote about it on their blog here and here.
I contacted ASHI and sent them the letter I received. I thought this was the end of it. Until yesterday.
Yesterday I received a phone call very a very nice woman in a medical office in Nashua. Their office received this letter, and it had MY name and MY business name on it.
I began hyperventilating.
Later that afternoon I received a phone call from Newmarket PD. A childcare provider in their town received this obscene letter with my information on it.
I did not send these letters. These obscene letters are not from me. The return address on those letters is my classroom in Greenland, NH. I do not receive mail there so please do not return to sender. Please contact your local police dept.
If you’re received one, I’m very very sorry you received it and probably inadvertently read it. If you haven’t received one its worse than 50 Shades of Gray. Be thankful you haven’t received it.
This letter is part of an ongoing chain letter that has been around for over a decade. And somehow I’ve been targeted and my business and I are victims of identity theft.
If you received this letter I am very sorry. Please contact your local police department. I’ve already reported this to the police in my town and the postal inspectors office.
4/10/14 update:
As of last week a new round of letters has apparently gone out. This time with my new address in Dover as the return address. I can receive mail at this address so if you receive a letter please contact your local PD and then either send the letter to me as ‘return to sender’ or have the police dept contact me.
Please know that these letters are not from me. I’m not sure how I or any of the recipients of this letter were chosen to receive them, and sadly I’m not the only CPR instructor who has been targeted. Someone is spending an awful lot of money on paper, envelopes, ink, labels and stamps to be sending these out. Not to mention who knows where they are getting the names & addresses to send them. So far none of the recipients of this letter have ever taken a class from me, they seem to be chosen at random. This person is spending a lot of time to perpetuate this harassment, and that’s how I see it. This is harassment. I’m done being freaked out. I’m angry.
I am so very sorry you have to put up with any of this! You are a fabulous person and businesswoman with the utmost integrity. Please know you are well respected and are receiving support!
Linda thank you so much for your support! It means a lot to me. I’m still upset about it and am really, really angry. I am so very sorry that you received a copy of the letter and I’m glad you called me to let me know.
I received one of those also, but knew right away that you didn’t send it. The postmark is from a different state. It seems an individual targeted many of us.
I am so sorry you received that letter. I have no idea who is sending them or why. I can’t understand the rationale behind it. They must be spending an awful lot in postage, envelopes, paper and labels and sending out dozens of these letters at a time. And how to they pick their victims? None of the folks who received this letter with my name on it have ever taken a class with me. They are just a random mix of healthcare providers and laypersons. It just makes no sense.