I provide both CPR AED and First Aid certification for troop leaders, older-aged troops and badge programs for scouts of all ages. I am a registered Girl Scout Volunteer and have children in both Girl Scouting and Boy Scouting. As a scouting volunteer and parent I know how challenging it can be to provide great programming to kids on a budget.
Training for Troop Leaders | Courses for Girl & Boy Scout Troops | Badge Programs
Courses for Registered Girl Scout Volunteers are sometimes posted on the Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains Adult Training web page. They are always posted on a separate page on this website. I offer the safety courses through the American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) and through the American Heart Association (AHA). Leaders can register and pay for courses through the GSGWM website. Girl Scout leaders who would like to attend any regular course I am offering may do so at a discounted priced. Please contact me directly for that information.
I have a password-protected page for Scout volunteers to register directly for my courses. The password is how many years we have been selling Girl Scout cookies.
I also offer Courses for Registered Boy Scout/Cub Scout Volunteers at a reduced cost. I do not provided courses through the Daniel Webster Council (although I would be happy to!). Registered Boy or Cub Scout volunteers who would like to attend any regular course that I am offering may do so at a discounted price. Please contact me directly for that information.
I also travel to provide on-site courses for Girl Scout Troops and Service Units, or Boy Scout Troops. If you have at least 4 leaders who are in need of training and have a location to hold the class I can bring the class to you. Courses are primarily offered to communities or units within a 40 min radius of the Portsmouth or Dover area. I can also schedule a course for your group at my Dover, NH studio.
Courses offered include Adult, Child & Infant CPR AED; First Aid; CPR AED Renewal; and First Aid Renewal.
As of January 2017 there are no regularly scheduled scout classes. This is due to no one registering for them. If you need a class please look at my regular course schedule. Email me to register and let me know you are a Scout or Volunteer and I will provide the scouting discount to you.
Course charges and information for scouts can be found on my password-protected page for Scout volunteers. The password is how many years we have been selling Girl Scout cookies.
Does your troop want CPR or First Aid certification? I hold courses for troops at your troop meeting. These can be scheduled by emailing me directly to discuss what type of course your troop would like to take. While there are no age limits on how old a girl or boy needs to be to be certified in CPR or First Aid, I suggest that the majority of the troop be mature and responsible enough to babysit to take a course. I provide CPR AED, First Aid, and Child & Babysitter Safety.
Is your troop working on a CPR, First Aid or Safety Badge? Do you need someone to demonstrate how to treat injuries and emergencies? Review and discuss what is in a first aid kit and how to create your own? I provide tailored programs to meet badge requirements. Just email me and include the name, or a copy or description of the badge you are working on. I have most Girl Scout badge requirements. For Cub Scout or Boy Scout badges please send me which achievement or badge so I can look up the most recent requirements I currently have programs set up for Brownie First Aid badge, Junior First Aid badge, Cadette First Aid badge, and Webelos Readyman Achievement. I can also do programs or provide an outline for the Girl Scout Safety Award pins.
For the Junior, Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts First Aid Legacy badges I have created a 2.5-3 hour program that meets all the badge requirements in one session. These classes will be offered at Camp Seawood or my Dover, NH studio and can also be scheduled for your troop meeting.