I woke up to a lot of weather warnings this morning, and a 2-hour delayed school start for my kids. A Hurricane Force Wind Warning in effect until 8 am for mariners. A High Wind Warning until 11 am for
Supply costs and courses
The other day the American Heart Association (AHA) made some dramatic changes to the costs of the materials that I use in my courses, and the changes went into effect immediately. This might change how much I charge for courses
Can you learn CPR at work?
Earlier this month I wrote about an AHA study from last June, Are you prepared for an SCA at work? The study found that over 50% of employees did not know where their workplace AED was located. Only 35% of
Are you prepared for SCA at work?
This past June the American Heart Association published 2 studies, and the results were sobering. Most employees would not know how to handle a cardiac arrest emergency because they do not have access to CPR and First Aid training at
Additional BLS course scheduled in September
An additional evening BLS class has been scheduled for Monday September 25th at 6pm. At the moment the course is only open to UNH OT students. If the class does not fill by September 18th it will be posted for
CPR by Trained Responders vs Lay Persons study
I belong to a few instructor forums. Yesterday this study was posted for the group: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation by Trained Responders Versus Lay Persons and Outcomes of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Community Observational Study. The premise of the study was to
April vacation 2017
I’m on vacation. I don’t take vacations that often, but I do plan time off every now and then. I’ve just returned from traveling with my family to our Nation’s Capital. We visited monuments, memorials, and museums. We walked miles
It’s going to snow on April 1st, no foolin’
I wish I was pulling an April Fools Day prank by writing that it’s going to snow. But sadly it is not a prank. After a mild start to our winter I’ve spent a good portion of February and March
Spring 2017 schedule posted
All courses scheduled through the end of June have been posted! If you need certification for a summer job please register early. I offer fewer courses over the summer as I work part-time at a summer camp and I like
Training school staff
I had an interesting conversation in a BLS class the other day with a school nurse. Her school district did not want to require, or fund, teachers taking CPR and First Aid classes. The district is actually discouraging training. Not